Results for 'Zachary D. Clopton'

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  1.  22
    The Global Class Action and Its Alternatives.Zachary D. Clopton - 2018 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 19 (1):125-150.
    The “American-style” class action, when combined with private rights, is an important tool of American regulatory policy. And just as American regulation has global reach, the global class action is not unfamiliar to U.S. courts. Yet, global U.S. class actions are facing ever-stronger headwinds. In addition to the recent retrenchment of class actions and international litigation generally, U.S. courts have raised additional barriers to global class actions in particular. This Article’s first goal, therefore, is to document these developments and their (...)
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    The Heartfelt Music of Ludwig van Beethoven.Zachary D. Goldberger, Steven M. Whiting & Joel D. Howell - 2014 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 57 (2):285-294.
    The medical biography of Ludwig van Beethoven remains enigmatic. Some of his health problems, such as his early and eventually profound deafness, are well documented and extensively discussed, although not necessarily well explained . Other medical problems, and his ultimate cause of death, remain unclear. Perhaps unsurprisingly for such an important musical figure, there has been no dearth of speculation about the illnesses that may have befallen Beethoven. Medical historians and physicians have suggested a myriad of illnesses, including but hardly (...)
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    A case study in evolutionary contingency.Zachary D. Blount - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 58:82-92.
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    The Measurement of Positive Valence Forms of Empathy and Their Relation to Anhedonia and Other Depressive Symptomatology.Sharee N. Light, Zachary D. Moran, Carolyn Zahn-Waxler & Richard J. Davidson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    On Death & Dying: Revisiting the Roots of Palliative Care and a Path Forward.Zachary S. Sager & Susan D. Block - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (12):51-54.
    Volume 19, Issue 12, December 2019, Page 51-54.
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    Tissue Mechanical Forces and Evolutionary Developmental Changes Act Through Space and Time to Shape Tooth Morphology and Function.Zachary T. Calamari, Jimmy Kuang-Hsien Hu & Ophir D. Klein - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (12):1800140.
    Efforts from diverse disciplines, including evolutionary studies and biomechanical experiments, have yielded new insights into the genetic, signaling, and mechanical control of tooth formation and functions. Evidence from fossils and non‐model organisms has revealed that a common set of genes underlie tooth‐forming potential of epithelia, and changes in signaling environments subsequently result in specialized dentitions, maintenance of dental stem cells, and other phenotypic adaptations. In addition to chemical signaling, tissue forces generated through epithelial contraction, differential growth, and skeletal constraints act (...)
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    Model flexibility analysis does not measure the persuasiveness of a fit.Nathan J. Evans, Zachary L. Howard, Andrew Heathcote & Scott D. Brown - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (3):339-345.
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    Fitts’ Law in the Control of Isometric Grip Force With Naturalistic Targets.Zachary C. Thumser, Andrew B. Slifkin, Dylan T. Beckler & Paul D. Marasco - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  9. Relationships among cognition, emotion, and motivation: implications for intervention and neuroplasticity in psychopathology.Laura D. Crocker, Wendy Heller, Stacie L. Warren, Aminda J. O'Hare, Zachary P. Infantolino & Gregory A. Miller - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Abused Children Experience High Anger Exposure.Rista C. Plate, Zachary Bloomberg, Daniel M. Bolt, Anna M. Bechner, Barbara J. Roeber & Seth D. Pollak - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Single crystal growth and characterization of URu2Si2.Yoshinori Haga, Tatsuma D. Matsuda, Naoyuki Tateiwa, Etsuji Yamamoto, Yoshichika Ōnuki & Zachary Fisk - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (32-33):3672-3680.
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  12. Richard D. Mohr, The Long Arc of Justice: Lesbian and Gay Marriage, Equality, and Rights Reviewed by.Zachary A. Kramer - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (4):276-278.
  13.  32
    Food and Everyday Life.Thomas M. Conroy, J. Nikol Beckham, Hui-tun Chuang, Matthew Day, Stephanie Greene, Joanna Henryks, Stacy M. Jameson, Marianne LeGreco, David Livert, Irina D. Mihalache, Roblyn Rawlins, Zachary Schrank, Klara Seddon, Amy Singer, Derek B. Shaw & Bethaney Turner (eds.) - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    This book is a qualitative, interpretive, phenomenological, and interdisciplinary, examination of food and food practices and their meanings in the modern world. Each chapter thematically focuses upon a particular food practice and on some key details of the examined practice, or on the practice’s social and cultural impact.
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    (1 other version)What Does “Mind‐Wandering” Mean to the Folk? An Empirical Investigation.Zachary C. Irving, Aaron Glasser, Alison Gopnik, Verity Pinter & Chandra Sripada - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (10):e12908.
    Although mind‐wandering research is rapidly progressing, stark disagreements are emerging about what the term “mind‐wandering” means. Four prominent views define mind‐wandering as (a) task‐unrelated thought, (b) stimulus‐independent thought, (c) unintentional thought, or (d) dynamically unguided thought. Although theorists claim to capture the ordinary understanding of mind‐wandering, no systematic studies have assessed these claims. Two large factorial studies present participants (N = 545) with vignettes that describe someone's thoughts and ask whether her mind was wandering, while systematically manipulating features relevant to (...)
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    Neil Reid, Jay D. Gatrell and Paula S. Ross : Local food systems in old industrial regions: Concepts, spatial context, and local practices: Ashgate, Burlington, VT, 2012, 264 pp, ISBN 9781409432210.Zachary B. Herrnstadt - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (1):163-164.
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    Rituels en image – Images de rituel. Iconographie – histoire des religions – archéologie.Vasso Zachari - 2021 - Kernos 34:304-306.
    Rituels et images sont mis en miroir dès le titre, annonçant d’emblée le sujet traité dans cet ouvrage collectif soigneusement édité par Anne-Françoise Jaccottet. Au croisement de l’iconographie, de l’histoire des religions et de l’archéologie, dix-neuf contributions mettent en lumière des points précis questionnant les liens réciproques entre images et rituels et donnent à cette publication un caractère remarquable. Ce recueil d’études s’inscrit dans le prolongement d’autres ouvrages connus...
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    Research Use of Electronic Health Records: Patients’ Views on Alternative Approaches to Permission.Catherine M. Hammack-Aviran, Kathleen M. Brelsford, Kevin C. McKenna, Ross D. Graham, Zachary M. Lampron & Laura M. Beskow - 2020 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 11 (3):172-186.
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    La métaphysique d'Ammonius chez Zacharie de Mytilène.Koenraad Verrycken - 2001 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 2:241-267.
    L’article se propose de vérifier le caractère néoplatonicien de la métaphysique d’Ammonius, fils d’Hermias, dans le dialogue intitulé Ammonius de Zacharie de Mytilène. Jusqu’à présent la recherche a cru pouvoir conclure de ce texte que la pensée d’Ammonius se rapprochait à certains égards du christianisme. Plusieurs éléments dans l’ Ammonius prouvent pourtant sans équivoque que le chef d’école alexandrin est resté fidèle au néoplatonisme païen, et notamment à la distinction proclusienne entre l’éternité divine et la perpétuité du monde.
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    Observations sur la Vie de l’ascète Isaïe et sur les Vies de Pierre l’Ibérien et de Théodore d’Antinoé par Zacharie le Scolastique.M. -A. Kugener - 1900 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 9 (2).
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  20. Deuterojesajanischer und ezechielischer Einfluss auf Sach 10, 8, 10 (L'influence du Deutéro-Isaïe et d'Ezéchiel sur Zacharie 10, 8 et 10). [REVIEW]N. Mendecki - 1985 - Kairos (misc) 27 (3-4):340-344.
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    Du Grec en Syriaque : La transmission du récit de la prise d'Amid (502) dans l'historiographie Byzantine.Muriel Debié - 2003 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (2):601-622.
    Le récit du siège et de la prise d'Amid, place-forte de Mésopotamie, en 502, constitue un exemple intéressant de la manière dont se transmet un récit historique de la tradition grecque au domaine syriaque et au-delà. Présent dans l'historiographie grecque (Évagre, Procope, Malalas, Théophane) comme un épisode de la brève période d'affrontement entre Perses et Romains dans les années 502–507, ce récit connaît un succès particulier dans les textes syriaques où il passe du domaine de l'histoire à celui de la (...)
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    Response of Giovanni Miccoli.Giovanni Miccoli - 2004 - Franciscan Studies 62 (1):15-15.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:7 Franciscan Studies 62 (2004) THE FRANCISCAN INSTITUTE HONORS GIOVANNI MICCOLI On July 16, 2004 Professor Giovanni Miccoli, a respected scholar of medieval, Church and Franciscan history, received the Franciscan Institute Medal from St. Bonaventure University during its celebration of the Feast of St. Bonaventure. University president Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., and Fr. Michael Cusato, O.F.M., director of The Franciscan Institute and dean of the School of Franciscan Studies, (...)
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  23. Selections from a private collection of byzantine bullae.M. Braunlin & J. Nesbitt - 1998 - Byzantion 68 (1):157-182.
    Il s'agit de l'édition d'un catalogue de 24 sceaux de plomb sélectionnés à partir d'une collection privée américaine. Cette collection contient aussi deux bullae byzantines en or inclues aux sceaux. Les deux critères de sélection employés ont été l'unicité et la rareté, qualités reconnaissables notamment pour le sceau n° 6 qui comporte une représentation du prophète Zacharie.
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    Human acts.Eric D'Arcy - 1963 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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    D. Cox: The significance of christianity: A note.W. D. Glasgow - 1951 - Mind 60 (237):100-102.
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    Le περη φιλοσοφίας d'Aristote et la théorie platonicienne des idées nombres: Deuxième édition revue et accompagnée du compte-rendu critique par Harold Cherniss.H. D. Saffrey - 1955 - BRILL.
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  27. Sex selection through prenatal diagnosis.D. C. Werz & J. C. Fletcher - 1992 - In Helen B. Holmes & Laura Martha Purdy (eds.), Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics. Indiana University Press. pp. 240--253.
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    A punning reminiscence of Vergil, Ecl. 10.75–7 in Horace, Epist. 1.5.28–9.D. R. Langslow - 1995 - Classical Quarterly 45 (1):256-260.
    The fifth poem in Horace's first book of Epistles takes the form of an invitation to Torquatus to attend a dinner which the poet is preparing for that evening, the eveof the Emperor's birthday. The fare will be simple but Horace will see to it that the furnishings, napkins, vessels and plates will be clean and bright and that the company and the seating-plan will be to Torquatus’ taste. Horace will get Butra and Septicius to be there, and Sabinus, too, (...)
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  29. (1 other version)al-Ḥaqīqah, baḥth fī al-wujūd.Fāyiz Maḥmūd - 1971
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    L'histoire: un essai d'interprétation.Arnold Joseph Toynbee, D. C. Somervell & Elisabeth Julia - 1951 - Gallimard.
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    Der Ausdruck der Freiheit und die Genese des ‚Ist-Sagens‘.Matteo Vincenzo D’Alfonso - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 45:382-397.
    Fichte’s Doctrine of Science of 1811 offers a sound model for explaining the conditions of semantics in its connection with the idea of freedom. Following Wolfram Hogrebe’s suggestion that the principle of contradiction works as an archaeological semantic postulate, i.e., is the implicit condition for any sentence to be meaningful, we argue that in Fichte’s definition of the phenomenon we find such a semantic postulate at a higher genetic level than the principle of contradiction indicated by Hogrebe. Moreover, the Doctrine (...)
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    Akhlāq ḍida al-akhlāq: qirāʼah naqdīyah fī al-qiyam al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-Islāmīyah.ʻAlāʼ Maḥmūd - 2021 - [Baghdād?]: Bilād al-Nahrayn.
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    Rejoinder of mr. Seth D. Merton.S. D. Merton - 1904 - The Monist 14 (4):602 - 603.
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    Carlos Olarte Frank D. Valencia.Frank D. Valencia - 2006 - Studia Logica 82:1-13.
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    In dialogue with Michéle Le Dœuff: philosophies, encounters and friendship.Pamela Sue Anderson & Michèle Le Dœuff (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The work of Michèle Le Dœuff creatively disrupts established notions of what philosophy might be. Far from being a discipline about the leader and the disciple, a hierarchy of knowledge and paternalism, Le Dœuff proposes a philosophy of dialogue and friendship. The conversations in this book explore how this philosophy can be enacted and explored, and show how openness and generosity can be the starting point of truly rigorous thinking. Introduced and curated by the late philosopher, Pamela Sue Anderson, In (...)
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  36. Sartre on the Authenticity, Required if My Choices are to Be Truly Mine.D. Weberman - 2011 - Filozofia 66:879-889.
    My making choices and acting on those choices in a way that might count as my being free would seem to require that those choices are truly my choices. Furthermore, for my choices to be truly mine, it would seem that these choices must reflect my true self. So it seems that choosing and acting freely depends in a robust sense on such choosing and acting being authentic. Yet the concept of authenticity seems problematic. What or where is that true (...)
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    Theological discourse of DUMU in the context of institutionalization of Islam in Ukraine.D. Shestopalec - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 69:71-79.
    The article of Shestopalets D.V. deals with the construction of theological discourse in the publications of the Spirituals Administration of Muslims of Ukraine. Special attention is devoted to the topics that represent the “proper” image of Islam, the problem of orthodoxy, approaches to interpretation of the Quran and legitimization of the religious authority of Muslim scholars.
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  38. Œuvres de d'Alembert.Jean Le Rond D' Alembert - 1821 - Genève,: Slatkine Reprints.
  39. Dialogue on Emotions and Empathy.Participants: Jack W. Berry, Steven C. Hayes, Kibby McMahon, Lynn E. O'Connor & M. Zachary Rosenthal - 2018 - In David Sloan Wilson, Steven C. Hayes & Anthony Biglan (eds.), Evolution & contextual behavioral science: an integrated framework for understanding, predicting, & influencing human behavior. Oakland, Calif.: Context Press, an imprint of New Harbinger Publications.
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    Using Storybooks to Teach Children About Illness Transmission and Promote Adaptive Health Behavior – A Pilot Study.Megan Conrad, Emily Kim, Katy-Ann Blacker, Zachary Walden & Vanessa LoBue - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although there is a large and growing literature on children’s developing concepts of illness transmission, little is known about how children develop contagion knowledge before formal schooling begins, and how these informal learning experiences can impact children’s health behaviors. Here we asked two important questions: First, do children’s informal learning experiences, such as their experiences reading storybooks, regularly contain causal information about illness transmission; and second, what is the impact of this type of experience on children’s developing knowledge and behavior? (...)
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  41. Uniform Interpolation, Automata and the Modal mu-Calculus.Giovanna D'Agostino & Marco Hollenberg - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 73-84.
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    Phénoménologie et marxisme: perspectives historiques et legs théoriques.Matteo D'Alfonso & Pierre-François Moreau (eds.) - 2021 - Lyon: ENS éditions.
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    I debiti di Durkheim verso Rousseau.Gabriella D’Ambrosio - 2017 - Società Degli Individui 58:124-134.
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    NICOLAS DE CUSA: La prioridad del simbolo matematico en la busqueda de la sabiduria.Claudia D' Amico - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (3):657-663.
    Nicolau de Cusa é conhecido por suas teorias a respeito do conhecimento, principalmente por sua obra A douta ignorância. Nela e em outras, sempre dentro de uma visão medieval, vê-se que a.sabedoria cusana é uma tentativa de alcançar incansavelmente o inalcançável. Para tanto são de grande importância os símbolos matemáticos.
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    Experiencing Musical Improvisation: The Body, the Mind, and the Senses.Francesco D'Errico - 2018 - World Futures 74 (3):175-186.
    In the following article, I will try to describe and, thus, share with my readers those moments and those segments in my life that have allowed me to be involved in the experience of musical improvisation, which is comprised of the gestures, ideas, and emotions that, together, encompass the musical objects of improvisation, and the desire, the pleasure of sharing these objects in their shaping and creation.
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  46. Professor Ayer on the past.D. Y. Deshpande - 1956 - Mind 65 (257):85 - 90.
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    Foundations of Empiricism.D. W. Gotshalk - 1962 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 23 (3):450-451.
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    Socially interested, or socially sophisticated? On mutual social influence in autism.Baudouin Forgeot D'Arc & Isabelle Soulières - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    A lower tendency to influence and be influenced by their social environment seems almost self-evident in autism. However, a closer look at differences and similarities between autistic and non-autistic individuals suggests that some basic mechanisms involved in social influence might be intact in autism, whereas atypical responses point to differences in more sophisticated recursive social strategies, such as reputation management.
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  49. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 84: 1993 Lectures and Memoirs.D. W. Harding - 1994
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    Irreplaceability.D. J. McCracken - 1955 - Mind 64 (255):403-404.
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